Now In Papervision!Well here it is, Jeffrey Katzenberg announced today that he wants ALL movies, not just animated films to be 3-D in the next five to seven years. WTF !!! Katzenberg explains, “3-D is how we see, how we take things in. Its natural. This is not a gimmick, its an opportunity to immerse the audience, to heighten the experience.” He added that the migration to 3-D will happen on all screens, including mobile phones and laptops. Katzenberg was joined by (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Group President) Mark Zoradi, and others stressing the industry’s commitment to 3-D as the future of film.
This is very disturbing news as it seems the movie industry (led by Disney) is going to force us to watch films in 3-D no matter what. They’re obviously partnering up with technology manufacturers to reap the profits from this ground floor theatrical investment.
Zoradi, (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Group President) goes on to say that, “moviegoers’ early response is clear” citing the success of “Chicken Little” and “Hannah Montana’s Best of Both Worlds concert.”
Well excuse me Mark Zoradi, (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Group President) I think your full of shit!!! Both Chicken Little and the horrific Hannah Montana film, would unfortunately been hits regardless of 3-D. The way that Disney and Pixar are slowly immersing 3-D into childrens films is a strategic tactic to (cook the books) in support of 3-D. Of course kids are gonna love it, they don’t know any better. What a subtle way for these greed infested corporations led by their imperious leader “Disney” to slowly but surely get all the theaters to go along with this 3-D crap! Studio execs like Katzenberg and Zoradi, are only looking to maximize there profits, as they insist the public accept 3-D.
Zoradi (Walt Disneys Motion Picture Group President) goes onto say that, “Consumers clearly prefer 3-D if they have a choice, and that 3-D films could bring in two to three times the business of a 2-D release.”
Oh yeah right, ALL consumers had a choice to see Chicken Little in 2-D or 3-D? Bullshit, the theaters that didn’t have 3-D for whatever reasons still sold tickets. This is classic (double-speak)! Oh and what’s all this about bringing in more business, I thought you guys were just trying to “heighten the experience?”. Lies, Lies, Lies. This Disney Scumbag reminds me of the car salesmen that will tell you anything to make a sale.
Zoradi’s (Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture Group President) presentation Wednesday included the first public screening of 3-D footage from Beauty and the Beast (1991). Disney is re-rendering the film for a 2010 release. The addition of Beauty and the Beast brings Disney’s number of Digital 3-D releases for 2009-10 to a total of eleven, with six more on the way for 2011. This would give Disney more than 50% of all 3-D movies during the next three years, eleven of those would be animated.
So its clear, Disney is re-releasing films in 3-D for a profit. That directly goes against what Jeff Katzenberg said up top, “this is not a gimmick”. Sure it is, Its a marketing gimmick for re-releasing old films, a wow factor for kids, and a new avenue for (glasses included) dvd profits. I love the way these “execs” double-speak. Its just so, right in your face. Double dipping with the same product seems to be what consumers are seeing lots of at Best Buy and Walmart these days. Repackaging is all the rage with Bluray and Directors cuts. Even George Lucas plans to once again redo Star Wars in 3-D. (For the love of money)
Katzenberg predicts that 35 to 40% of admissions for the March release of “Monsters vs Aliens” will be for 3-D. He later predicts in 15 months these figures will be in the 80 to 85% range, and also see’s the next Shrek film to be 3-D. Stressing the technical advances that made the latest incarnations of 3-D, different from past efforts, Katzenberg said the technology “will bring people back to the movies who have stopped going.” All aGREED that 3-D’s ability to immerse audiences in the film is key.
This is sad news indeed if I have to have 3-D forced down my eyeballs in the future, so that Disney can make a few more bucks. Watching movies is a 2-D experience, 3-D will only ruin that experience for me. Films will be produced differently, and more in a way to sell the viewer on eye candy and products in the film. This will be abused as well with subliminal subterfuge as the visual senses will be overloaded with so much image that the overall film experience will turn into a big mess. Unfortunately they’re conditioning the kids to accept this, so that a whole new generation won’t even know what a 2-D film experience is or was. As the studio scumbags claim this is a “natural step”, I say they’re full of shit !!!!!!!