Happy Thanksgiving everyone! From my family to all of yours! There is a lot to be thankful for this year in theaters. It’s been the year of the hero, with several superhero movies all having various forms of success. We had “Hellboy 2: The Golden Army” which was beautifully done, very funny, and chock full of monster goodness! There was “Hancock” and that was certainly an interesting take on the genre, regardless of what you thought of the movie. Can’t forget about those Marvel superheroes! “The Incredible Hulk” was a great film, clearly the best version of the Hulk to date. It obviously drew influence from the Hulk t.v show (even including the “sad walking away song”) and Norton was brilliant as Bruce Banner. Of course, the first real smash hit of this year was “Iron Man.” Fans finally got to see one of Marvels more popular, yet under-utilized superheroes hit the big screen, and they showed their support! It was the first film to gross 300 million this year. That movie was just plain fun. Robert Downey Jr simply IS Tony Stark. Then we got “The Dark Knight.” Wow. What can’t I say about that movie? Well, I can’t say it was bad. Hands down (in my opinion, of course) the best film of the year so far. We can be thankful for Heath Ledgers role as The Joker. Rest in peace Heath, you are sorely missed. “The Dark Knight” was one of the highest grossing films of all time for a reason. It is the best superhero movie ever, and the first one worthy of Oscar consideration. And speaking of heroes without any super powers, how about “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.” Sure, some say it was the worst Jones movie to date. But it was good to see Indy back on the big screen. And I for one am glad to see there may be a future for this franchise with the addition of Mutt played by Shia “The Beef” Labeouf. I don’t care what anyone says, I think that kid is great.
On a side note completely unrelated to movies, I personally have a lot to be thankful for. The past year, I’ve experienced some serious personal tragedies, so I feel like I can say this. Let everyone be thankful for the things that they have. Enjoy the time you have with your families and friends. Enjoy life and love. And certainly, enjoy the movies! I am thankful for joining the team here at Movie Guys. Thanks guys, you’re the greatest. I am thankful for all the people who come here and let their opinions be heard. Thanks for coming to the site guys! You make this fun and definitely interesting. I am thankful for the intelligent conversation and the great back and forth we get here on the comment boards for our posts. It’s been fun so far!
Thank you to everyone who comes here and enjoys what we do. I hope that we can continue you provide you with the news and reviews you want to see, and I hope you continue to come and enjoy the site. Here’s to another great year at the movies!