This week was rather interesting for us. Josh reviews Godzilla 2014, which blows everyone’s minds. Sure, it’s not out yet, and no, Josh doesn’t have any sources close to the film, but that doesn’t stop him from reviewing it anyways. We also discuss some of our favorite TV shows this week, science, and some weird Iron Man toy that Guy won’t shut up about.
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Warning: The Intermission Podcast contains language that may not be appropriate for all audiences.
Important links from this weeks episode:
- Josh’s Godzilla Review
- Silver Screen VII Facebook (Tell them how awesome a video game tournament would be!)
- Obsessive Viewer Movie Stats
- Laser Graffiti
In this weeks episode:
Guy reviews Con Air. We can’t quite put our finger on it, but something seems different.
Corey doesn’t want the Breakfast Club to be remade. Why is it called the Breakfast Club? Did they ever have breakfast? And Corey and guy are stupid and think its the best 80’s movie
How can a Gilligan’s Island movie be made. Could they just cut a bunch of clips together to make a movie? Craig thinks Gilligan’s Island ran for 20 years, but Josh was quick to correct him with these things called “facts” (there were only seasons). Would the show still be relevant today? Guy think’s that there was a slut on the show. Why is it always sluts with Guy?
Josh reviews Godzilla. Yeah, that’s right, the one that doesn’t come out until May 16th.
Silver Screen VII in Gallipolis, Ohio is pondering on a video game tournament in their theater. Tell them your thoughts on their Facebook Page! We all agree that it’s a great idea. Ideally it would be a first person shooter, that would support plenty of players in each round. Halo or Call of Duty would be ideal. It was also mentioned that Marvel vs Capcom, or Tekken Tag Tournament would be fitting. Someday we hope for a racing game of some sort as well.
Games in the theater turns into a debate over whether or not split screen would work. I honestly don’t know why there is a debate over this, we are talking about a movie screen! Not a 27″ TV!
Does anyone watch the Oscars? Most of the MovieGuys don’t. Except for Guy, but he only watches them when a movie he really likes is up for an award. Josh watches them if nothing else is on and he can’t find the remote.
Wolf of Wall Street. Yeah, it’s vulgar, but it’s OK because it’s spread out over 3-hours. We actually found a stat that broke it down. Wolf of Wall Street uses the F-Bomb 2.83 times per minute, well below the acceptable level. And don’t bitch about it being vulgar! It’s rated R for a reason! It also tries to make you feel sad that quaaludes no longer exist. Craig tries to make a connection between Wolf of Wall Street and the Departed, he failed miserably. Corey really likes how they broke the fourth wall, yeah, we don’t know what he’s talking about either.
The Hobbit. The feet seemed to be a non-issue for Corey and Guy, but Josh still thinks they were too fake looking. Has it come to this? Really? We are arguing about CGI vs rubber feet?
Lone Survivor, best movie since Saving Private Ryan. Go watch it. Right now. Don’t even finish the podcast. Just go do it. Seriously. Stop thinking about it.
Lone Ranger. Guy watched it, and didn’t like it because the Lone Ranger wasn’t a badass. Tonto just wasn’t enough to make the movie worth watching in his eyes.
American Hustle. It wasn’t as good as what we had hoped. It’s OK, and worth a Red Box rental, but not worth a purchase. Then ending pulls it all together, and we really enjoyed the amount of cleavage shown by Amy Adams. Basically, there was too much talking, and not enough doing.
IFC premiers Spoils of Babylon, and we love it! Speaking of TV shows, the Mythbusters have a new TV special called Dangerous Toys, which is incredible! They take ideas from kids and make it a fiery, robotic, reality!
Is live feed Twitter OK on TV shows? Josh thinks it makes the TV show more crowded, and takes up screen space. We also don’t care for the amount of scripting that reality TV is getting.
As usual we have a short Star Wars discussion. This week we talk about the Star Wars episode of Mythbusters. Guy is devastated when he learns that they in fact DID NOT make a light saber.
TV shows are a recurring trend this week. Agents of Shield, Simpsons, Workaholics, Men at Work, and Gold Rush to name a few.
To finish the episode off, we get all sciency and talk about lasers. Laser graffiti, laser mosquito zappers, and just plain old laser mischief. Until next week movie fans!