Just got word today that in the future you may be seeing Bazooka Joe in a theater near you. No, I don’t mean at the concession stand, I mean on the big screen.
According to the Hollywood Reporter Michael Eisner has acquired Mark Hammer to write a feature length film featuring Bazooka Joe. You know, that entertaining little comic strip that comes with ever package of Bazooka Joe bubble gum.
The comic strip has been around since the 1950’s, but I can’t immagine that this will be an easy adaptation. Sure, I like Bazooka Joe, he is quite possibly one of my favorite comics, but I am having a bit of trouble imagining a feature length film. Perhaps they will explain the origins of his eye patch, or maybe they will just paste together 60 years worth of comics, I really don’t know.
The bigger question for me is will this be live action, or will this be a cartoon?