After Anna Nicole’s passing in February, I had assumed that Anna Nicole would be done. Well I was wrong as plans of an Anna Nicole movie are already being discussed. Filming is set to begin next month in L.A. on the movie depicting Anna’s life. Apparently this film has been in the work for the past 2 years but they just decided to kick it up after her death. The producer also has opted not to obtain the rights to Anna’s story. He has claimed that their is enough information public domain that this is not necessary.
So here is how I see it. He has wanted to make this movie for the past 2 years, with little progress. But, as soon as Anna dies production is put into high gear to complete the picture. And you have failed to obtain any rights for Anna’s story. It looks to me like someone has gotten greedy and plans to cut Anna’s cut of the profits out. Just this writers opinion.