Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Ryan Reynolds, Kristen Stewart, Martin Starr, Bill Hader
Directed By: Greg Mottola
Released: March 27th, 2009
Runtime: 1 hr. 46 min.
Rated: R
I have really been putting off writing this review, even more so than normal. Why? Simply because I was so misled by the theatrical, and television advertising of Adventureland, and to be quite honest I am feeling rather ripped off. You see, I was under the impression that Adventureland was going to fall into the same scene as Greg Mottola’s previous film, Superbad. Boy was I wrong.
I know that many of you are probably relieved in the fact that the film doesn’t follow in the steps of Superbad, but I for one was looking forward to a Superbadish film. Instead, I found myself watching a trashy Juno.
False advertising aside, the film wasn’t a complete bomb.On the plus side, there are several memorable lines, and some extremely funny scenes. There are also some pretty hillarious “getting hit in the testicles” moments, we all know that is funny. There are also some pretty hot chicks in the film. Because you know, the hottest girls always work in amusement parks, right? However, there are not nearly enough positive aspects to the film to save it.
Personally I felt that the main downfall for Adventureland was the fact that the films tone was way off from what I felt was advertised. False advertising in movie trailers is one of those things that really rubs me the wrong way. My second major gripe is the fact that it seemed like the film was trying too hard. It seemed to me that they were really trying to bring back Dazed and Confused but just couldn’t pull through.
The film also had another familiar tone to it. It seemed that the main character wanted to have a great summer, and by that, I mean get with a girl. You know “GET” with a girl. Can you say American Pie?
So know we have two solid resemblances, Dazed and Confused, and American Pie, why not make it a tri-fecta? Let’s add an independent girl with some serious issues! Juno anyone? No, she wasn’t pregnant, but she did have the same drab personallity as Juno, and that is all i could think about when she put herself into these obscure, yet highly predictable situations. That’s right folks, this film is a mix between Dazed and Confused, American Pie, and Juno. Not a good mix if you ask me.
Perhaps my opinions on Adventureland are just based on my original thoughts from the trailer, but I really feel that this film wasn’t for me. Maybe if I didn’t have this misconception going into the theater I would have enjoyed myself more, or perhaps I still would not have been floored by the film. My final call is to not waste your time or money. Save your cash up for Star Trek, T-4 and G.I. Joe.