For those of you who do not know me, I am Pattycakes, one of the original MovieGuys. I’ve been on a writing hiatus for a long while now. I apologize for the absence and hope to just blow some ever-movie-lovin minds out of the water from here on out. I guess my absence has been mostly due to school and work, but I think part of it has been my misplaced excitement for movies. Something’s been lacking, something’s been not there for me. Don’t get me wrong, I still watch movies everyday and enjoy most of them, but I have felt like none of them have left me with that warm feeling of connectedness.
This feeling did not come back until just the other day. I was revived during a moment where I was not at top physical healthiness. Earlier this past week I was suffering from a sinus infection that had made me unable to attend work. It was hard to sleep so I decided to watch a movie. I started scrolling through my movies and figuring out what I wanted to watch. Die Hard, Zombie Diaries, Once Bitten, The Notebook, Star Wars… Star WARS! Yeah I’ll watch one of my childhood favorites. Which one should I watch? Why not start from the beginning? So I did, and from 9 in the morning until about 1 AM the next day I watched non-stop Star Wars. It was exhilarating to feel like a Jedi. I felt like a kid again. My sickness was literally killed by movie watching. I must admit I did not like all the episodes but it is a great story as a whole told by Lucas Films.
Who would have thunk that me watching a day full of Jedi Knights, Syth Lords, clone armies, and little tiny green guys who speak in odd sentences would have been the key to my new awakening. Now I must say that this may not work for everyone, but it sure made me feel like movies were relevant again. In all seriousness, movies have been a little dull for me lately. The movie industry is in a slight recession in some sense. My solution to this issue is dive into the old movie archive, awaken those inner childhood feelings, and reassure yourself that movies can be great. Hopefully 2009 will have some movies for all to enjoy, but I’m sure not going to bet on it. The good ones will be in somewhat of abundance but the great movies will be diamonds in the rough.
Have you ever solved your movie watching woes?