Who Framed Roger Rabbit was a truly unique film for it’s time. A live-action/animated hybrid film that proved to be equally entertaining for both young and older audiences. I was fascinated by it, and in all honesty, I’ve been wondering for quite some time now how long it would take for someone to take another look at the film. It seems as though every classic film property is getting the reboot/remake treatment lately, so it stood to reason that it was only a matter of time before the idea would come up. Imagine what they could do with that idea, with all the advances in film-making technology… I’d love to see it happen, and I’m not the only one. Robert Zemeckis, director of the cult-classic film, has been thinking the same things I’ve been thinking (they say great minds think alike, right?). It was all too brief, like a passing thought, but fact of the matter is that he did bring it up:
“I’ll tell you what is buzzing around in my head now that we have the ability-the digital tools, performance capture-I’m starting to think about Roger Rabbit”
Now let me stop you right there. I know that his statement to MTV Movies Blog does not exactly mean a new Roger Rabbit film is in the works. But consider this: Studios are always looking for a way to make a quick buck, and the reboot/remake or sequel treatments are an easy way to do that. Couple that with the fact that the director of the film in question, the talented Robert Zemeckis, is actually interested in revisiting the idea in some way, and you’ve got yourself enough reason to believe that at the very least there will be a meeting about this very idea somewhere soon. Why not? I hate reboots/remakes with a passion, as I think they are a weak attempt to make more money off of an already established idea and a way to prevent any original film ideas. Still, I can’t help but be excited by the thought. If ever there was a film that warranted a reboot/remake, it’s Who Framed Roger Rabbit, right? The film was brilliant for it’s time, but imagine what it could be like with a modern polish put on it? Sure, I’d rather see a sequel, prequel, or spin-off idea featuring some/most of the characters from the original, but I honestly think that there is no wrong way to go here. Unless of course, the studio decides to change Roger Rabbit into Terry Turtle or Freddy Ferret or something stupid like that. Any thoughts?