I really don’t know what to say about this. When I found the picture to the left here, I was shocked. Take a second and see if you can tell who it is. Give it a shot… Have you figured it out? The correct answer is Jude Law. Can you see it now that I have told you who it is? Bizarre comes to mind… Creepy seems appropriate… Terrifying would fit… Weird, I could go on forever.
Anyway, let me explain why Jude Law is dressed like this. It isn’t just for kicks, it’s a part of his latest project, RAGE. Law plays a gender bending androgynous supermodel. His film will premiere at the Berlin Film festival next week. Normally, I like to include a little synopsis of the films in question, just for the curious. But I found it incredibly hard to find a complete synopsis. All I really found were bits and pieces. So I’ll run with what our friends over at Filmonic had to say, as it was the most complete set of information I could find.
“Part of the subject matter of RAGE is the ugly use of beauty in the pursuit of profit. Drugged by Marketing, sapped by fear of aging, conned by the cult of celebrity… image becomes all. Jude Law, whose beauty has sometimes been held against him as an actor, made the courageous decision to accept the role of Minx – a “celebrity super-model” and took on a kind of hyper-beauty for this persona… a ‘female’ beauty which gradually unravels as the story unfolds. Strangely, the more he became a ‘she’, coiffed and made-up – the more naked was his performance. There was great strength in his willingness to make himself vulnerable. It was an extraordinarily intense part of the shoot. RAGE is a tragicomedy seen through the eyes of a boy who becomes a player in a high fashion murder investigation when interviews for his website start to spiral into catastrophe.”
I still have a lot of questions about this project, but at least things are a little more clear now. It’s pretty obvious that this will be one of those artistic type films that some people just can’t understand no matter how hard they try. Surely they were going for some sort of shock value casting Jude Law. And there seems to be an element of drama involved… After that I just don’t know. Normally I am down for artistic independent films. But I’m pretty sure I will not be seeing this. Sorry, but it’s been done before, and I don’t buy Jude’s casting as anything other than a gimmick to gain attention and to get people to view the film in a different light. This just isn’t my kind of thing, but I couldn’t help myself. I had to share this image with you all. For now, just file this one under “WTF?!?”
Earlier I tried to come up with one word to describe that image. What word would you use?