World War Z is a post apocalyptic zombie action horror that stars Brad Pitt as a United Nations employee who travels the world in a race against time to stop a zombie virus that threatens to destroy humanity.
The story of World War Z is taken from a 2006 horror novel by Max Brooks that is a follow-up to his 2003 book “The Zombie Survival Guide”.
World War Z: The Good
After many development problems with the film it was Brad Pitt’s production company “Plan B Entertainment” that decided to bring the book to the screen and Brad Pitt is great in the leading role as both family man and investigator. It is probably his best role to date alongside The Curious cue of Benjamin Button.
The action and visual effects are fantastic, especially the opening 20 minutes, that includes an action sequence that introduces the out beak and the panic of the virus that is actually shot in Glasgow is that is meant to be “Philadelphia”. The effects themselves are also a step up from 2007’s I am Legend, that featured CGI zombies instead of make up effects.
The script is also original and exciting that is different to what we have seen in zombie movies before, it could have been a disaster of a movie but thankfully the film manages pack some effective jump scares into the mix as well, making this more of survival horror than just a simple action movie.
World War Z PosterWorld War Z: The Bad
With such a good script and a 15 certificate rating it was surprisingly lacking in gore which was expecting more of, there are some violent moments but nothing matches the shear terror and suspense of the superior 28 Days or its sequel 28 Weeks Later. What the film lacks in gore it makes up for with jump scares some of which work to chilling effect.
Overall, World War Z is an effective blockbuster, that features fair amounts of thrills and chills but lack of spills. It is definitely worth catching if you like Zombie or survival movies and with a sequel already in the pipeline, lets hope it ups the ante on the gore as well.