Well, it took “13” years for the Extended cut of the Waterworld movie to come out on DVD. Was it worth it? Yes, and no. (IMO), Waterworld has been cursed with a bad theatrical version ever since it came out in 1995. Those who don’t know, Waterworld’s Kevin Costner fired Kevin Reynolds right after he turned in his final cut of the film. Costner then spent four months re-editing the film into what was known as the “Costner cut”, or the theatrical version.

Waterworld Movie Extended Cut
Over the years talking to people about the film, I found out about the deleted scenes that were cut out. I have always wanted to see those scenes one way or another. In the Extended cut, I got my wish. With over 40 minutes of additional material, I couldn’t wait to see this classic Sci-Fi film again. There was just one thing that bothered me as the film began, the disclaimer read,
Edited for content,? Ooooh Noooo!!!!! As the film started out I noticed right away that the scene where Mariner pees into the cup was edited. Was this entire film going to be “watered” down? Unfortunately yes! Would it matter? Read on if ya dare!!!
The new cut of the film is awesome and a much better edit of the actual film. It is clear that Kevin Reynolds had a distinct vision he wanted for the overall story. He had an overall theme about Dryland, and how the people in Waterworld were all but dead or soon would be. The last of the humans feared the Mariner mutation as a confirmation of this. The new cut also looks very clean, there is no distinction in new footage looking old or thrown in. There are some fall backs in the Waterworld Movie’s soundtrack, but that’s to be expected.
Waterworld 2008 Extended Cut Review
In the “New Cut” we see a different side to the residents of the Atoll. They don’t really like Enola. She has been causing a stir among outsiders with stories of the tattooed map to Dryland on her back for too long. They fear she will draw the Smokers to the Atoll. There’s a lot of new footage of the Mariner as he bargains his dirt on the Atoll. The scene with Nord is also expanded with new dialog describing that it’s August in Waterworld. After the Mariner is taken the prisoner for being a “Mutation”, there’s some great new footage of Helen fighting in his defense, this only turns the Atoll mob Council against her. There are some great new scenes of the Atoll Council classifying some of the Mariner’s artifacts as weapons to push they’re the case for execution. There’s also added new footage of Gregor formulating calculations from Enola’s tattoo, and preparing the escape Blimp.
The raid on the Atoll is awesome as the Smokers show up to take the girl, there’s some great new footage of the attack. New Deacon footage showing him golfing during the attack (viva, Apocalypse Now style) is pretty funny!!! The scene where Deacon executes a prisoner in his attempt to gain knowledge on the girl’s escape was improved by the editing, as the Deacon went into a sermon about Evolution. This scene also introduced us to the Deacon’s accountant. Costner really trimmed out a lot of Hopper’s scenes.
After the getaway, the tone gets darker as extra dialog shows us how the Mariner really doesn’t give a shit about these two humans. The scene where Helen, pleads to the Mariner not to kill Enola as she takes off her clothes was totally edited to cut out the full backside shot. That really kinda pissed me off, as here we have a darker story yet the nudity is cut out???
Back on the Deez, we cut to the scene where Deacon asks Toby how his eye looks. In the original version, Toby says, “it looks like shit” in this version Toby says, “it looks like slime”. (Slime? What is this Ghostbusters?) There are some additional scenes at this point that show the Deez being rowed in pursuit of the Mariner, and the Deacon putting in his rusted out non-functional control tower as he mulls over pursuing the Mariner. (Great stuff!) There’s also a funny scene where the Sky Boat’s Captain (Jack Black) informs Deacon on the attack that killed Joe his gunner. The scene was somewhat tainted, as instead of the word “bitch” the dialog was changed to “witch” of the Atoll. ( Ah there’s that edited for content factor ;-)
Additional scenes back on board the Mariner’s ship, show that everyone on the ship is recycling they’re urine. The entire dynamic of time is stretched out as we see the Tomato plant used as a way to show how long the trio have been without food. The Drifter scene had some additional dialog as did the scene where the Mariner kills the mutated shark. Afterward, Mariner asks Enola if she wants to eat the eyeball of the shark? She says,”no” as it’s the one scene where we really see the Mariner trying to bond with the child. What follows is a great scene where Enola tells the Mariner, that he doesn’t like her humming because he can’t sing. Later we hear the sounds of Miles Davis, as we see a corroded portable cd player with two rusted exterior computer speakers powered by a rusted car alternator fan wheel playing into the night. During this scene, Helen explains how Enola washed up to the Atoll 6 years ago, and they all wanted to cast her aside because she was a considered a freak. These new scenes portray a deeper relationship between Enola and the Mariner.
As the film progresses and Enola is taken by the Deacon there are some cool new scenes on the newly formed Atoll as the Mariner takes out a few Smokers, and ignites their oil slick residue to lead him back to the Deez.
The sinking of the Exxon Valdez was enhanced yet the dialog restricted by the (edited for content) cut. I did like it when the Deacon said, “If I can’t have Dryland nobody can!”
The Dryland ending was enhanced with a longer goodbye between Helen and the Mariner, she gives him a name, it is really touching. The money shot of the entire film is next when Enola and Helen stumble upon a plaque that identifies the island as, Mount Everest.
Waterworld Movie: Final Thoughts
In the end, the Extended Cut is superior I just wish they hadn’t dropped the ball with the edited for content crap!!!
The Dvd Extended Cut, 2 disc version of Waterworld also contains the Theatrical version and theatrical trailer.