Holy shit!!!! This movie is awesome. I am still jacked up from seeing it 2 hours ago. No spoilers this time, you will just have to see it for yourself. Now, I am not sure if this was a remake or not but I was pretty impressed. This is one of those movies that you will be keeping the lights on for awhile after seeing it. It is The Exorcist with somewhat of a The Ring feel to it. Don’t get me wrong, it was no where near The Ring in the shittiness category. Just some of the jump factor and the whole little dead kid thing. So basically it is about a teenage girl who finds out she was a twin and her brother died in the womb. Then all of these weird things start happening and nobody beleives her. Ya know the typical scary movie thing, and it is kinda slow in the beginning but it picks up fairly quickly. Then the scary ass ghost-boy thing comes after all the people she loves. It is rated PG-13 so no nudity or foul language. I know its hard to watch a horror movie like that but this one doen’t need it. Ok, with all that said, the acting was great and the effects were outstanding. Gary Oldman was awesome along with the rest of the cast that I don’t remember their names. The middle part of the storyline could use a little work and it could have been a little longer but all in all it was a great movie. Or maybe it was an alright movie but because I haven’t seen a great movie in awhile I thought this one was great. Who knows. I thought Twilight was going to be a good movie but it turned out to be a romance with vampires, what a ripoff that is. I didn’t even watch it just caught little pieces here and there. I would also like to add that not all of the cool scenes are in the trailers for once. Ya don’t see that too often these days, if its a comedy they always put all the funny parts in the trailers. Or the trailers make you think the movie is about something other than what its real content is. Anyway, back the good one. I will be seeing this one again while its in theaters and I would recommend this movie to all of the horror fans out there. I think there are a good number of people waiting for a good horror, and this is it. Enjoy!!!