Pacific Rim is a science fiction blockbuster, directed by Guillermo de Toro that features a war between mankind and monsters that forces a former pilot and trainee to be aired up to drive a seemingly obsolete special special weapon in a desperate effort to save the world from the apocalypse.
Pacific Rim: The good
Pacific Rim is a fun, action packed summer blockbuster that boasts an impressive cast, lead by Idris Elba [Prometheus], as commander “Stacker Pentecost” is given leader and speech duties, Charlie Hunnam [Green Street] stars as cocky and retired pilot “Raleigh Becket”.
Burn Gorman [Layer Cake, The Dark Knight Rises] and Charlie Day [Horrible Bosses], both play scientists enlisted the task of finding a way of stopping the alien threat and are both great fun to watch. There is even a cameo by Ron Perlman as “Hannibal Chaua”, a salesman of alien parts.
Pacific Rim also has the perfect balance of great onscreen characters as well as memorable monsters thanks to director Guillermo Del Toro who has got spot son. It reminds you of the same balance that was displayed in the first Transformers movie and not just featuring mindless action but an actual plot and great characters to root for.
When it comes to the action that doesn’t disappoint either as there is enough carnage and mayhem to satisfy and it also looks great in 3D, as iconic cities are used like boxing rings, boats are even used as weapons in the movie. As the film goes on, the stakes are higher as bigger and powerful monsters are introduced.
Pacific Rim: The bad
The only bad thing about the film is the bloated running time that seems to drag during some of the dialogue scenes but is quickly recovered during the fight scenes that stand out from most of the summer blockbusters so far.
Overall, Pacific Rim is a visual treat featuring memorable monsters as well as impressive robots. It also features a great human story that stands solidly alongside the first Transformers movie.