The Counsellor is a crime-thriller directed by Ridley Scott and written by Cormac McCarthy. The film features a laser called the Counsellor [Michael Fassbender], who finds himself over his head when he gets involved in drug trafficking.
The Good:
The Counselor boasts one of the most impressive casts of the year, Including lead Michael Fassbender who impressed in Ridley Scott’s Prometheus also impresses here as he plays a cocky but desperate man in way over his head in a business he is unfamiliar with.
Javier Barden, like in No Country for Old Men shows off another of his crazy hair styles as “Reiner”, the Counsellor’s main contact into the drug underworld.
Its Cameron Diaz who stands out as the evil and scheming Malkina, who’s own interests in the drug deal set a chain reaction of events that spiral out of control.
Brad Pitt, who’s second collaboration with Ridley Scott is a similar to his role in Thelma & Louise as he stars as middleman “Westray”, who is a womaniser and friend of “Reiner’s”
The Counsellor is a dark, violent and engaging thriller that keeps you guessing throughout and features double crosses, twists and excellent dialogue thanks largely to McCarthy that brings the best out of the cast.
The direction by Scott and Cinematographer Dariusz Wolski make each secne have a purpose and consequence.
The Bad:
The Counsellor was set to look like one the best thrillers of the year but is let down by a cop out of an ending that feels unfinished and rushed.
Overall, The Counsellor, is an engaging and satisfying thriller that will have you asking questions towards the end. It boasts a stand out cast that are all at the top of their game and a director who shows he is still confident behind the camera.