Sherlock Holmes, released Christmas Day 2009, is an action-packed portrayal of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous private detective. Robert Downey Jr. plays the daring detective with sidekick Dr. Watson played by Jude Law. Rachel McAdams also makes her appearance as Holmes bad-girl love interest. Fans of the original works of Holmes may find themselves slightly…
Moon – Review
Really interesting and original science fiction movies are few and far between, which is sad because they can be so immensely entertaining. Moon, a new sci-fi mind-trip starring Sam Rockwell, has everything you need to make a good sci-fi film, and succeeds on nearly all levels.
Memento – DVD Re-View
Memento is a beautiful, brilliant, yet confusing story that is a must see for anyone and everyone. The film chronicles two separate stories of Leonard, an ex-insurance investigator who can no longer build new memories, as he attempts to find the murderer of his wife, which is the last thing he remembers. One story line moves forward in time while the other tells the story backwards revealing more each time.
Righteous Kill – Review
When I received the first promos for Righteous Kill I was totally excited. Al Pacino and Robert De Niro together on the big screen! On top of that the slogan just blew me away, you know “Some people respect the badge, everybody respects the gun.” Sadly, Righteous Kill left me disappointed. No, it wasn’t an…