Our friends over at <Skewed&Reviewed> just got an exclusive scoop on the latest with the incredibly popular science fiction tv series, “Babylon 5.” Word is that the series will finally have its exclusive turn as a major motion picture !!!
J. Michael Straczynski, the writer and producer of the series (for those of you who don’t know), has reportedly said that he will no longer produce “Babylon 5” for the small screen. Quote:
“There is no more Babylon 5, unless its a full picture, and is ready to leave the series, rather than compromise it with cheap sequels.”
I for one welcome this news with open arms as I’ve personally met cast members, and reassured them that there will be a B5 movie. I never had any doubts!!!
Straczynski credits his work on Changeling and Forbidden Planet in helping him gain more respect as a movie producer. This is great news! Anyone out there fans of Babylon 5?