The Screen Actors Guild
Well today at MOVIEGUYS we have some Good news, and we have some Bad news. Bad news of course for MARVEL, however it appears Good news has surfaced from the depths of SAG,,, The Screen Actors Guild, the fine folks that are holding an Actor Strike gun to the heads of Hollywood’s working class have decided to fire that gun at their chief negotiator, Doug Allen…
Just hours after the Screen Actors Guild Awards aired on TNT Sunday night, members from the guilds (moderate majority) delivered a constitutionally valid, “written assent” that allowed them to pass a resolution outside the board room with a simple majority vote. Several hours later, once the guild’s council and director of governance confirmed its authenticity and validity as an official resolution, Doug Allen and his board supporters were left with no options.
SAG National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator Doug Allen was summarily removed (YOUR FIRED!) from his post by SAG’s moderate member’s critical of his handling of the guilds Tv/Theatrical contract negotiations. The removal of Allen virtually ELIMINATES ANY POSSIBILITY of an Actors Strike. Moderate forces at the guild had long been gunning for Allen, and essentially used an obscure guild procedure to show him the door… The swiftness of the move implies how impatient moderate forces had become with Allen’s stalling tactics conducted at an emergency meeting two weeks ago. The moderate forces represented by the United for Strength party indicated that they took the action reluctantly and as a last resort.
“These much needed changes will allow SAG to chart a new course,” said the Unite for Strength message delivered via email. “We will work to secure a Tv/Theatrical Contract that can be sent to members with a positive recommendation and to effectively resolve all of our outstanding contracts.”
The newly reconstituted negotiating leadership’s focus will be on nailing down a deal with employers in the AMPTP, likely the same contract that has been on the table since June 30th 2008. It resembles the those that the DGA, WGA and AFTRA have already ratified.
This is really a great day for Hollywood’s working class, as a proposed Actors Strike would have crippled the already hard hit economy. I want to personally thank the Moderate Forces for stepping up and taking action !!!