It’s time for a very special episode of the Intermission Podcast, the Walking Dead-isode! Corey and Guy just couldn’t wait to record this one, so we made sure to make it happen before the premier on Sunday. This episode is very entertaining even if you don’t watch the Walking Dead. The Movieguys discuss everything from lightsabers, to Where’s Waldo.
Warning: Spoilers ahead! If you don’t watch the Walking Dead you may find some spoilers in this episode. You’ve been warned.
Craig’s “Issues”
Craig, who has barely seen three episodes, voices his issues with the series, which include a severed hand, cars that explode because they get a flat tire, and best friends taking advantage of a dead husband’s wife. Craig claims that first, a car that runs over spike strips will not start rolling over, catch on fire, or explode. Obviously he doesn’t watch enough action movies… Next he insists that if handcuffed to a metal pipe, it would be easier to cut through the pipe than your own hand. Stupid Craig, doesn’t he know flesh, nerves, and bone, are all softer than metal? And finally, Craig thinks that Rick’s wife was really quick to jump into bed with his best friend. I guess Craig expects a lot out of his wife and best friend.
Do Zombies Reproduce, Are There Baby Zombies, And Penis Bones
This conversation really shouldn’t be out there on the internet. As you can probably tell, it is stupid and slightly disturbing. Craig ponders how zombies have sex, obviously with their penis bones. Then Guy talks about giant walrus penis bones, you’ll just have to listen… And Craig asks, are there zombie babies?
What weapons would you want in a zombie apocalypse, And most importantly, do lightsabers have batteries?
Obviously, you can see where this conversation is going. Corey asks the question, what weapon would you want in a zombie apocalypse? A tank, gun, sword, lightsaber? This last one sparks the question, do lightsabers have batteries? Guy insists, no matter how wrong he is, that you don’t have to charge a lightsaber. Everyone else says that it has to run on some sort of power source, and that said power source cannot be infinite. They present a series of logical arguments to support their side, and Guy rejects it all and yells at them. Craig presents internet proof that they run on power cells that do run out, and Guy rejects it all and yells at them. Then the discussion turns to superhero zombies and the possibility that Waldo is an extra in The Walking Dead.
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