Welcome back for part two of the Amazing Spider-Man 2 Super Bowl spot Part 2! For those of you keeping track, Sony released part one a few days ago to tease the trailer that they were going to show during the Super Bowl. Yeah, we thought it was silly too, but hey, they did it….
Transformers 4: Age of Extinction Super Bowl Trailer
This is probably the one Super Bowl trailer of the night that really surprised me, Transformers 4: Age of Extinction. I am personally not a big Transformers fan these days, but for some reason, the Age of Extinction preview really grabbed my attention. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pmvkR3NbGM I’m not positive, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to be…
Pompeii (2014) Super Bowl Trailer
Pompeii. What can we say. It’s hard to enjoy a movie that you already know the ending to, like Captain Philips. If you don’t know much about Pompeii, or it’s history you may find the film interesting, or enjoyable. This is actually the second time today that I’ve done this, but it looks like…
The Monuments Men (2014) Super Bowl Trailer
This next trailer deals with a movie that has really surprised me so far, The Monuments Men. I am normally not a fan of John Goodman, so much so that it can easily ruin a movie for me if he’s in it. However, The Monuments Men looks AWESOME! The Monuments Men has one hell…
Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier (2014) Super Bowl Trailer Teaser
Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier Super Bowl Trailer Teaser. You read that right, “trailer teaser” not “teaser trailer.” Yet another trailer for a trailer. I know that Super Bowl ads are a big deal, and I know they want the most bang for their buck, but do we really need all of these commercials…
3 Days to Kill (2014) Super Bowl Trailer
Kevin Costner is back for his second Super Bowl trailer appearance of the day. This time taking a u-turn from Draft Day in 3 Days to Kill. At this point I’m not entirely sure who Costner is trying to kill, or why he wants them dead, but apparently he only has 3 days to…
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Super Bowl Trailer
Like the other trailers I’ve published so far, this is a pre-release before the Super Bowl for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer. That’s right, a trailer for a trailer, so technically this is part one of a two(?) part trailer series. Don’t believe me? Watch it, they actually mention the Super Bowl trailer at the…
Draft Day (2014) Super Bowl Trailer
Draft Day, talk about a good movie to tease during the Super Bowl! Fans are already pumped up about football, then you throw them a trailer about, what? You guessed it, football! There really aren’t that many football movies out there, which is surprising considering how big foot ball is. Sure, football movies exist, I’m…
Noah (2014) Super Bowl Trailer
Super Bowl TV spot for Noah. Ok, so there isn’t much new here, and there still aren’t any hints for controversy (like we discussed in ep 11 of the podcast), but it’s still a pretty cool trailer. Noah puts Russell Crowe back in his element as a leading actor, and not just a supporting role…
Super Ball Trailers: Battleship, Star Wars, The Dictator and more!
Like many Americans, I stayed up late last night watching the Super Bowl Super Ball. But unlike some, I could care less about football, I was just there for the commercials. Sure, I could have watched them all online (like you are doing), but it just isn’t the same. Lately, I have been a bit…