Max Payne has really been getting some heat this week. People have really been putting it down despite the fact that it was #1 at the box office. I have seen Max Payne, and here is what I think… Max Payne is all about what you make of it. If you go into the theater…
Sex Drive – Review
I went into this movie forgetting that Seth Green was in it. With that, I expected this to be a huge flop. And as far as the box office earnings went it was pretty bad. But as for the actual film itself, it was pretty funny. I am a huge Seth Green fan. It is…
Don’t miss the Max Payne credits.
Today as I was perusing my ever growing list of favorite movie sites, I came across this interesting post at CinemaBlend. I sat through Max Payne today so you don’t have to, but if you’re the type who rushes out to see a video game movie that’s bound to get a critical drubbing, make sure…
Max Payne – Trailer A
Mark Wahlberg is Max Payne. I heard about the new Max Payne film a while back but kind of just forgot about it. When talks first started about the movie rendition of Max Payne it just didn’t impress me. Well the first trailers are FINALLY hitting the theaters and I believe we are in for…