We finally made it out of the 80’s. It’s episode 90 of The Intermission Podcast! This week is another Corey free episode. On a related note, we are taking applications for a new co-host. Subscribe: iTunes | RSS | More Subscribe Options Let’s kick things off with some chit-chat about Aladdin and other Disney movies….
5 Worst Action Films Of The Past Decade
Recently I was thinking about some of the disappointments and failed blockbusters we’ve seen in 2014, and I couldn’t help but land on 300: Rise Of An Empire as the worst of the bunch. Granted, it always looked like it would be terrible, and attempting 300 without Gerard Butler (not to mention the novelty of…
A Good Day to Die Hard Film Review
A Good Day to Die Hard is the fifth installment of the hugely successful Die Hard franchise and this time round sees Bruce Willis reprise his role for fifth time as John McClane and donning that sweaty vest for another round. This time it sees him travel to Moscow in order to help his long-lost son Jack,…
A Good Day to DIE HARD (Trailer)
I for one hate remakes, and reboots. The very thought of re-working, re-titling, and re-releasing classic franchises to make a buck just doesn’t sit well with me. Are you really out of ideas Hollywood? Was a Total Recall remake really necessary? But now there is a new trend in town, and I’m calling it the throwback sequel….
Abrams tries to appease Trek die-hards at WonderCon
The wonders of WonderCon never cease, do they? Amidst all the news related to upcoming sci-fi and comic based properties was the shining gem of the whole event, the panel for JJ Abrams Star Trek. The panel, which was composed of Abrams, Chris Pine (Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Spock), Zoe Saldana (Uhura), writer Robert0 Orci and…
Escape From New York Remake
Well it looks like Snake Plissken is going to be back on the big screen. Director Len Wiseman (Die Hard, Underworld) is currently wrapping up the negotiations to start filming this 1980’s remake. For all of you Kurt Russell fans, don’t get too excited. There will be a Snake Plissken but he will not be…
The Simpsons Movie
The wait is finally over! The Simpsons Movie is finally here, and I know everyone is just dying to see it. I have just returned from watching this film and I must start by saying it was great. I am a die hard Simpson’s fan and have been awaiting this movie since the rumors first…
Live Free or Die Hard
Ok ok! Who has seen all the other Die Hard movies? Well, I have, and I love them. Once again John McClane(Bruce Willis) has to become the hero and save the day in Live Free and Die Hard with a little help from his newfound sidekick the “Mac commercials guy”(Justin Long). In this new installment,…