This week on the Intermission Podcast, Craig learns how to count, the Movie Guys talk about Split, Death Race 2050, and Guy bangs his cousin. Split All of the Movie guys, except Craig, went to the theater to watch Split. Guy liked it, not the best M. Night movie out there according to him and…
Hey… Want some more Crank?
It’s no secret that I am a huge Jason Statham fan. So much so that I am willing to forgive him for Death Race. So when I heard we are getting a sequel to Crank, a movie that ended in such a way as to make a sequel seemingly impossible. But low and behold,…
MovieGuys staff, Top 10 films of 2008 – Part 3
Bearacid is one the founding members of MOVIEGUYS and a real funny guy. Residing in Ohio, Bear’s a gamer, movie critic and always has a interesting perspective. I’ve always loved his horror movie reviews. His reviews always seem to inform as well as educate, and we all love his comments and discussion. -790. BEARACID’S TOP…
Jason Statham – Death Race (2008)
Jason Statham is an actor who has much talent when it comes to action movies. He can throw the kicks and punches at the bad guys to get viewer’s blood pumping, woo the ladies with his accent, and make every guy want to be him. His newest movie Death Race was a surprise for me….
New Transporter 3 Trailer Online
So as most of you know I am a huge Jason Statham fan. However i never expected to see a Transporter 3 after seeing Transporter 2. I really liked the first Transporter, but 2 just sucked in my book. However, i am still very excited to see what Statham dishes out with Transporter 3. He…
Jason Statham to Star in Death Race 3000
First looks at Death Race 3000, and it looks good! Let me start by saying I belive that this is the perfect movie for Statham. This is just his style, and i believe that his character will fit in well in Death Race 3000. I am imagining his performance to much like that in…