This week on the Intermission Podcast the Movie Guys talk about Sausage Party, Guy’s Cedar Point day, R2D2 dying, and much much more! Also, Craig watched a dumb nature documentary, and the Movieguys eat astronaut ice cream. And it’s Guy’s day of birth, so everyone out there in internetland say happy birthday to the one and only Guy King.
It’s Guy’s Birthday!
This week, Craig received a mysterious package addressed to Guy King. He let Guy open it in case it was anthrax or something. As it turns out, it’s a package inside a package with a card. He opens the card. Tension builds. He reads the card. It’s a coupon for Bigfoot Pizza! It’s a birthday gift from the world’s greatest fan Paul! But wait, there’s more. He opens the package, it’s Ninja Turtle Movie cards. 66 of them! Guy almost had a heart attack.
Then Craig reveals his gift to Guy, besides Ninja Turtle cookies. He got Guy a Ninja Turtle sticker book. What a day.
The Intern got Mr. Guy over 16 hours of blood, sweat, and brains, it a zombie movie compilation!
And Josh, not wanting to be outdone, got him a bouncy ball. Guy doesn’t know what to do with himself he is so overjoyed.
Sausage Party

Sausage Party
To celebrate Guy Day, the Movie Guys went to the Silver Screens VII, to watch Sausage Party. Craig starts off the review, yes review, by saying that just because it’s animated doesn’t mean you should take your kids to it. By all means, don’t. Saying that, Craig doesn’t think that it’s as bad as everyone is saying. If they didn’t say the fuck word as much, as said the shit word about half as many times, only five or ten minutes would be perversive. He goes on to say that it was so well written that they could have pulled off a pg-13 movie. All in all though, he laughed a lot. He gives it one thumb up.
Guy gives it a one thumb up and one thumb down because he thought that while funny, some of the jokes were over the top.
Josh isn’t a big fan of the toilet humor, and he felt that he shouldn’t watch it in public. But he still liked and gave it one thumb up.
The Intern felt that it was a funny enough movie, maybe not as entertaining throughout as he would have liked. But gives it a solid one thumb as well.
This brings our tally to four up thumbs and a down thumb. Respectable.
Movie Ratings
Craig poses the question: What is the difference between NC-17 and Porn? Why does NC-17 allow 17 year-olds and porn one has to be 18? This sprouts a deep and thoughtful conversation that ends in a penis joke. Craig brings up the documentary, This Film is not Yet Rated. It talks about questions such as these, and probably answers them better than the Movieguys do. Unfortunately, we can’t find it being streamed anywhere anymore, but you can read an in-depth review here.
Goldeneye Source aka Goldeneye 64 Remastered
Craig and Josh talk about Donkey Kong records and that leads to a discussion about the new Goldeneye source game that the Intern found. Since this was Craig’s favorite game ever, he is a very excited gamer. If Craig was stranded on a deserted island, he would probably take Goldeneye rather than food or water. This somehow leads to a Guy rant about the Silent Hill game and demon squirrels. Watch out for a video game special in the future.
Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens
Craig watches a documentary about what happens when a tornado hits a bunch of effing sharks. Of course he loved it, because it’s a sharknado. And there were some surprising work with a chainsaw. Then, Guy interrupts Craig by taking a cell phone call. So fifty minutes later, back to the show. Upon returning, the ground rules are laid for Guy’s Crystal Pepsi challenge. It’s coming… Back to the sharknado, apparently Tara Reid was drunk or high for the whole movie. And Guy watches some other boring movie that nobody cares about.
Cedar Point
Finally, I say that loosely, Guy goes to Cedar Point without the rest of the guys! Can you believe that, I know it’s Guy, shouldn’t be surprised. As if spited by God, he got rained out, haha. And had long lines… That’ll show him for not inviting me the guys. #CPBlackout pt2 Craig then talks about roller coasters for awhile. Then he bitches about a trailer that credits Nicolas Cage in an upcoming movie and National Treasure 3. Then he continues to talk words about The Truman Show. Will Craig ever shut up?
And to Mr. Kenny Baker, a man, an astromech, an ewok, he stole our hearts and we will remember him. May the Force be with you, Kenny.
