Still utterly flabbergasted at the overwhelming mob of insane people who believe Twizzlers are better than Red Vines (delicious Red Vines), Mister MacNugget searches the web for articles defending the merits of preferring strawberry rubber to soft red licorice. The one he finds, as you will hear, makes a lacking case in defense of Twizzlers, and in some instances, the writer makes a fool of himself most likely due to the fact that there is no real defense as the superior candy is clear.

When starting this show, MacNugget started writing segments to record, but didn’t get to them last summer when originally penned. Today he shares one of his written pieces with you. This one covers a fiasco pertaining to when he brought three neon tetra pet fish home for his kids. Apparently, two of the three were not fans of their new abode and protested their move in date to their own detriment.

Enjoy the 10th episode of The Mister MacNugget Show!