If you remember at the end of Rambo 4 (AKA Rambo, AKA John Rambo) it was pretty obvious that the end of the series was here. For those of you that don’t remember (spoiler alert), the end of the film showed Rambo walking down a dirt road on his way home. Sly even said himself that he wouldn’t be walking down that road again, that it was the final film in the chapter.
So what is the deal with the card/pamphlet that appeared at the Cannes festival? The back even had a release date!
Cannes Rambo 5 Poster - Front
Cannes Rambo 5 Poster - Back
Is there going to be a Rambo 5? Perhaps, but in a discussion with AICN Sly made it very clear that if there was a Rambo 5, that he had no knowledge of it, and definitely no part in it.
So what is going on with the RAMBO V posters at Cannes?
Sly has no clue. When I floated the concept that it could be the rights holders trying to raise ludicrous funds to get Sly back in front of the camera. Sly said, “Maybe, but it ain’t happening.” He then told me that the folks behind those posters essentially said that if Sly didn’t do it – someone else would. And Sly seems fine with that.
It is being speculated that the promo materials were ordered by the current rights holder of the Rambo franchise to create some possible buzz, and maybe even funds to convince Sly to jump back on ship. Sly seems to think though, if he doesn’t do it, someone else will.
So it seems possible that we will see Rambo back on the screen, but at this point, Rambo won’t be played by Stallone. Ain’t that some crap, Rambo without Stallone.