Some may say that Seth Rogen is almost played out, and to an extent I will agree. However, this trailer for his newest film, Observe and Report looks very promising.
A few thoughts came to mind when I was watching the trailer. The first thought was that this is exactly what I think Mall Cop should have been. Just from seeing the trailer it almost seems like the film is saying “OK Kevin James, if you are going to make a movie about a mall security gaurd at least do it right.” The second thought I had was how interesting I think the film will be with Anna Faris playing the love interest. She is a very funny actress and I can’t wait to see what she has to add.
The last thought isn’t necesarily about the film, but one of the actors, Ray Liotta. DAmn does this guy look rough. I have always liked ray Liotta as he starred in one of my favorite films of all time, Goodfellas, but man has he gone down hill. I still believe that he is a good actor, he just looks rough.
Just a reminder to everyone to watch the trailer while you still can, it may not be up for long.
Seth Rogen - Observe and Report