Welcome to episode 166 of the Intermission Podcast. This week the Movie Guys talk about Chex Mix, Spiderman Homecoming, and the new Obi Wan Kenobi movie. Then we talk about a movie we almost didn’t watch (thanks, Josh), It Stains the Sands Red.

Obi Wan Kenobi Movie
This week on the Intermission Podcast
The Intern boasts this week about finding the perfect bag of Chex Mix, but the others don’t believe him. He claims that he found the infamous “pretzelless” bag and even goes as far as to say that it had way more bread pieces in it too. No one can confirm his crazy talk though, so the group consensus is that he is lying to get attention. Shame on you Intern, shame.
The Intern also brags that his maybe Ghost Peppers/Carolina Reapers and Craig immediately regrets buying him the seeds. His regret hasn’t even started to reach its epitome though, as you will see next week…
Josh is saddened over the death of Jerry Lewis, and Corey doesn’t know who that even is. Josh tries to explain, and just makes things worse. I’m not even sure if Corey knows who Josh is now. If anyone knows who Josh is.
Spiderman Homecoming
I just have in the show notes here, “The guys relive their youth.” This could mean many things and generally happens every week so you’ll just have to listen to it since I apparently didn’t. Or just tune them out.
Craig talks about the Admit One Podcast taking on a two-man pizza challenge. Craig thinks that he could pull his part if he only had a partner. That isn’t Guy, a partner that isn’t Guy I meant to say. Guy tries to boost his cred by going over a detailed review of his new diet which includes 5% and 80%water (he says drinking an energy drink). I assume the other fifteen percent is ketchup.
In other news, Craig went to see Spiderman Homecoming over the weekend. He liked it but had some issues with the franchise itself. Guy and Craig almost get into a fight over what is considered a reboot or not. Craig gives up. Craig did like the Avengers tie in, and that Spidey was still figuring stuff out. He also liked the concept of the Vulture but thought that it was not well executed during the battle scenes. The other thing he really liked was that Spiderman avoided as much collateral damage as possible. So he liked it more than he didn’t I gather. Then we talk suits.
Obi Wan Kenobi Movie
So news about the Obi Wan Kenobi movie came out this week. The guys are all in a tizzy of excitement, but only if Ewan Mcgregor gets to play Obi Wan. Afterall, he was the most redeemable part of the prequels. Corey then disturbed us all with a rumor of a Jabba the Hutt movie. We theorize that it’s run time will be at least five days… This gives us an idea for a Star Wars nature documentary. It will be in the style of Planet Earth (David Attenborough will even agree to narrate, probably) but it will be set in the Star Wars Universe! It does bring up a copy rights issue, which Guy promptly solves. We’re stealing Star Wars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It Stains the Sands Red

It Stains the Sands Red
This week we all (even Craig this time) watched It Stains the Sands Red. We almost didn’t watch it at all because Josh is a forgetful human being, but we figured it out and were in for a very interesting hour and a half. It was by far the strangest zombie movie ever, not the best but the strangest. Craig and Corey thought that one scene ruined the whole thing and you can’t really argue with why. Just the whole movie didn’t feel right, but if you’re not squeamish then you might enjoy it.