Max Payne has really been getting some heat this week. People have really been putting it down despite the fact that it was #1 at the box office. I have seen Max Payne, and here is what I think…
Max Payne is all about what you make of it. If you go into the theater with a knowledge of Max Payne, or if you are a huge Max Payne fan then be prepared to be disappointed. From the eyes of a Payne fan I can see how this movie would have really sucked. The film is definitely a disgrace to Max Payne. It almost seemed to be a cheap Punisher – meets sci-fi rip-off. It may just be me but I just felt that the two plots were very similar. You know, the typical you killed my family now I am going to kill you in the most dramatic way possible.
However, for the few of you reading that are able to push everything you know about Max Payne out of your head, it is actually a decent film. Not an “awesome film” but definitely worth watching. That is if you forget everything you previously knew about Max Payne. Basically, remove Max Payne from the title. Personally i feel there would be a lot more positive reviews if the film were not called Max Payne, but rather something different. Maybe just say it is LOOSELY based on Max Payne. The fact that they called it Max Payne kind of doomed the film from the get go in my opinion.
Personally i felt that the film was a perfect mix of sci-fi and reality, but there is one thing, or person, that really surprised me. Who you may ask? None other than Mila Kunis. I can’t believe how well she was able to pull off quite possibly the most bad ass part in the entire film. I never expected Mila to be able to step up to this role, but she really did. My biggest gripe with Mila was the fact that she wasn;t on the screen nearly enough.
So what is my final thought? This is one of the few films that I can honestly say you must see it for yourself. You may think it sucks, you may enjoy it, but you must decide for yourself. Don’t listen to what others say, and just go and watch it. Like I said before, just try and forget everything you have ever known about Max Payne.
P.S. Don’t miss the credits, there is a very “interesting” scene attatched.