I was really hoping it wouldn’t happen, but Pirates of the Caribbean 4 has entered development and guess who has been pitched for the lead role? Surprise surprise, Johnny Depp.
It is quite obvious that Depp would be pitched for another Pirates film, but I was really hoping a fourth film would never happen. Personally I am still shocked that production is going on with a fourth, but seeing as how it has been a cash cow, I kind of expected it also. It is all about the money anymore and not the movies.
So far I have really enjoyed the Pirates series, asides from number 3, but I still don’t think there should be a fourth.
Reason #1: The third film really sucked. As a finale to the trilogy it was acceptable, but this told me that the franchise either needed a revamp, or to end it. Since revamps always end bad, I would prefer they just end it. I really didn’t want to see the Pirates series turn into another out of control series of sequels like so many other films in the past. If it were up to me (which it isn’t) they would have been done with the first one.
Reason #2: Pirates of the Caribbean 4 will be a spin off. There is no other way to put it. I believe that two things really made the first two films great, and that was the cast, and the plot. The third film had a great plot, but so much effort was put into special effects that it took away from that. I know it left many people scratching their heads. It took me a second watch to really get the whole story.
Reason #3: Keirra Nightly will NOT be in the fourth film. She made it very clear during the filming and release of At World’s End that she would not be involved with any more Pirates of the Caribbean films. How will a fourth edition be without one of the leading roles? I believe Disney is setting themselves up for an awful round of sequels if you ask me.
So here is what I propose. Instead of making another Pirates of the Caribbean flick, let’s see a Jack Sparrow movie. Seriously, let’s not continue the franchise and let Depp spin off into his own series of films. To me this would be acceptable. From what I have read Johnny Depp is the main reason that people want to see a fourth, so why not make a pirate movie just about him?