First looks at Death Race 3000, and it looks good!
Let me start by saying I belive that this is the perfect movie for Statham. This is just his style, and i believe that his character will fit in well in Death Race 3000. I am imagining his performance to much like that in Crank, my favorite Statham film. Now onto the picture. Look at Statham’s face, he is showing no emotion whatsoever. To me this is what makes him such a bad-ass. Now take a look at the inside of the car he is driving. See all of those gadgets and gauges? And the steering wheel wrapped in bits of tape? To me this just screams action and explosions, my two favorite elements to a Jason Statham movie.
Another thing that caught my eye when reading about Death race 3000 is the fact the Statham was entirely sober for 4 months during the filming. He says he wanted to do his best and really work hard on this film. Not just bumble his way through after 6 shots of tequila. He also mentioned that this time he isn’t being paired with people he wouldn’t perform well with. Maybe he has realized that the horrible mash-up of actors he last apperead with in In the Name of the King, was not a good move. But to me Statham is a one man show. He does not need a co-star, just a few complementing actors here and there.
What do you guys think, wil Death Race 3000 compliment Statham, or make him look stupid like In the Name of the King?