Upon smelling something heinous in the hallways at work, MacNugget was appalled to find out that not only did the ladies down the hall not think the smell was bad, they actually referred to it as “heavenly.” So heavenly, in fact, that they likened it to their favorite soup, which one typically wouldn’t refer to as smelling heavenly either. It was a real shock to the ole system in many ways, and using more than one of the senses as well.

Do you have a favorite McDonald’s menu item that, for whatever reason, was discontinued? Over the years there have been many meals that have come and gone. Many of which were delicious, and many so ill-conceived, it’s hard to imagine how they ever made the lineup in the first place (McLobster, anyone?).
McLobster Roll -
Mc Hula Burger -
Grab a Hula Burger and buckle in for episode 11 of The Mister MacNugget Show.