RUN TIME: 81 min.
Ok, yeah I get that this film came out eight years ago, however after asking around it seems that very few people have seen the film. In that case its a pleasure to re-view, Six Days in Roswell for those that missed the mother ship.)
From the producers of Trekkies, comes Six Days In Roswell, a hilarious doc u-comedy starring Richard Kronfeld. Rich plays himself, as the CAPTAIN PIKE CHAIR GUY from Trekkies (If you haven’t seen Trekkies, I highly recommend it).
In Six Days in Roswell, we travel along with Rich as he leaves Minnesota, to attend the 50th Annual, UFO Crash Expo in Roswell, New Mexico. His last best chance for abduction.
The film (more or less) starts out with Rich showing us some of his rare audio/video equipment that he keeps in his room, in the basement of his mothers house. Richard’s mother is worried about him travelling all the way down to New Mexico by himself, so as a precautionary measure she has some of her friends (from work) teach him basic firearm safety. After he learns how to shoot (like a white man), he’s ready for any probs that could happen as a result of alien abduction, of course he dosnt own a gun so, he’s really not ready.
Before we get on the bus to Roswell, Rich takes us to the 64th Annual Hopkins Raspberry Festival, where he’s entered his Captain Pike Chair as a float in the parade. Watching Richard emulate the facial expression of Cap. Pike while being towed by a guy wearing a raspberry head piece, was hilarious !!! Its also neat to see Jesse (The Body) Ventura marching in the parade for votes.
As we finally arrive in Roswell, Rich finds out that all the hotel rooms are booked. As he’s aimlessly walking around, he finds a guy named Norm, who’s willing to rent out his Coachmen Motorhome. Richard’s desperate so he agrees to clean the motorhome for rent, and also share it with Norm’s two dogs.
At this point the film takes off travelling through the various events, and attractions the Roswell festival has to offer. Like a roving reporter, Rich walks around the festival gathering interviews, and items that will help him in his quest for abduction. One of the funnier moments is when Rich decides to get a special flying saucer haircut, LMAO!!! Rich also takes us on the famous “Roswell Crash Tour.” All this culminates to one of the funniest moments in the film as Richard takes us to “Roswell , The Musical”. Its held every year in Roswell. Performers act out the famous crash. The film covers a lot of the play, and its very funny. This is the real life “Waiting for Guffman” folks.
(On the more serious side), the film is very well edited with interview clips from prominent Ufologist’s discussing compelling viewpoints of the 1947 Crash. During the film there’s some brief interviews with famous Ufologists, Whitley Strieber, Stanton Friedman, and more.
I can’t reccomend this film highly enough, its very funny and Richard Kronfeld steals most scenes with his dead-pan reactions. I loved his performance, and hope to meet him one day at a Star Trek convention.
The DVD Bonus features include a very funny commentary with the Producers, and Rich, also some very funny deleted scenes. There’s also a great making of feature, and some amusing home movies.
Six Days in Roswell is Not – Rated.
You can find out more about Six Days in Roswell , at Roswell6.com