Rarely are movie-goers treated to a film that boasts a strong story and a strong cast from top to bottom. Even rarer still that they get to see two of the finest actors in recent memory doing their job at the top of their game. I got was exactly what I expected – a ton of fun, some subtle humor, charm, drama, action, and some of the finest acting I’ve had the pleasure of seeing on the big screen this year. Public Enemies is easily the best major motion picture release of the year.
The taking of Pelham 1 2 3 – Review
The taking of Pelham 123 is a remake of the 70’s action thriller The taking of Pelham One Two Three, and it stars John Travolta and Denzel Washington. Those two alone should be enough to draw people into the theaters, right? Instead of capitolizing on it’s potential, The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 just falls flat on it’s face.
Felon – DVD Re-View
Felon is a well produced compelling Prison drama that assaults your senses and pulls you down for a journey into the corrupt underworld of the American penal system.
The Listening – DVD Re-View
In 1952 a secret organization known as the Black Chamber was reborn under executive order as the National Security Agency. It was tasked with code making, code breaking and collecting foreign communication intelligence. Five years later the first man-made satellite was launched into orbit.
Taken – Review
Taken, actually premiered in France way back in February 2008 and has already made over 66mil worldwide. Not surprising as the film takes place mainly in France. I was pleasantly surprised by Neeson’s performance as he actually pulls off his biggest action role since Batman Begins.
Righteous Kill – Review
When I received the first promos for Righteous Kill I was totally excited. Al Pacino and Robert De Niro together on the big screen! On top of that the slogan just blew me away, you know “Some people respect the badge, everybody respects the gun.” Sadly, Righteous Kill left me disappointed. No, it wasn’t an…