Welcome to another wild episode of the new and improved Intermission Podcast. Well new, maybe not all that improved. The Movie Guys do have new t-shirts though! They are awesome. Half of the guys went to see Arrival. They talk about that while nobody listens. At least Craig got invited this time…
The guys start off this week by talking about the best sci-fi movie of recent years: Arrival. To clarify, two of the guys, Craig and Josh, talked about Arrival, while everyone else listened. At least everyone was invited this time, unlike in like recent weeks. Anyway, they both loved it, and in effort not to ruin the movie, didn’t describe it what so ever. Basically, they said it was awesome and left it at that. Arrival gets all of the thumbs.
National Lampoons Vacation
Guy then impresses the guys with his political knowledge as he talks about some election. By the way he was talking you would think he won, maybe he did, I don’t follow that stuff. This somehow led into a conversation about how many times the “F” word was said in National Lampoon’s Vacation. Craig somehow got it into his head that it was actually worse than the remake, which Guy swiftly and decisively disagreed. What followed was a three hour internet search that proved Craig wrong and Corey board. Guy humbly accepted his victory by rubbing it in Craig’s face quite less than usual.
Guy’s Rant
With no idea why or how the guys got on the topic of Jason Segel but Guy has some very strong and hilarious opinions. Between all the laughing and hysteria I could not comprehend what was being said, but it was possibly the funniest 15 minutes in Movieguys history. There are no other words to describe the words that were spoken. One just has to listen and try not to piss themselves.
NES Classic
Finally, the guys discuss the pros and cons of the NES Classic. There are many, but in the end the cons win out, at least for the Movieguys. There was something about not being able to cheat properly. In other news, much more important news I might add, the Movieguys t-shirt department is up and running! There are so many shirts (4) with more being added every day (not really, but there are more coming)!!!!!!!!!!!!